
Presence through connection
and connection through presence.

Who I am

Presence through connection

and connection through presence.

In my own life, I place the highest value on life long growth and change. I am continually inspired and intrigued by the ways in which we humans write our own stories, as we navigate life’s challenges, with all of its unpredictable twists and turns. I hold deeply the belief that when we show up to do the work our lives ask of us – abundant meaning, connection and freedom become our inherent reward.

With extensive work experience and training in counseling, dance/movement therapy, the performing arts and progressive education, I bring a holistic understanding of how we humans learn and grow. I believe that we are the best experts and resources on the nuances of our experience and on navigating the journey towards living fully.

Through my work over the years with people of all ages, I have learned that our minds and bodies are a unified source of knowledge. Focusing has allowed me to bring my full humanity in service of discovering and accessing my clients’ deepest capacities for self healing and transformation.

I am deeply drawn to all forms of art and creativity as our natural languages for expressing our authentic voices. Many of us long to be creative, and are inhibited by self criticism. Focusing is an innately creative process, while not requiring any skill other than an openness to listen in to what wants to be known. Our creativity resides in our state of pure being.